When suffering does not destroy you, even though you have been to the edge of the abyss, you know something that you cannot know in any other way. Someone else is sustaining you. You are indeed living by a life not your own. Or as I love to say, "Your life is not about you." It is henceforth, most truly, about God. And you are merely "free sample" of what God has always been doing. - Quote from Richard Rohr

October 15, 2006

Date Log: 10/15/06: Will the Itching ever stop?

One of the side effects, well, really the ONLY side effect that has been reported with the BCX-1777 is swelling. Last night I looked down and someone had inserted a medium size lemon under my skin right at the ankle!! My husband said it looked like I had sprained my ankle. My left ankle wasn't swollen like the right. I could actually see a little of my ankle bone... enough probably to have caused some gossip 100 years ago! They are better today.

My feet, on top, are actually white. Well except for the red spots where I have scratched them to death. And the skin looks almost human. I was talking with a friend the other day, facing her and a window. She kept looking at me strangely, then she said, "Renee I think I see some actual skin on your face."

So, I do see changes. Some good changes, but THIS ITCHING! I want to hang in here, but it is not easy. As many of you know, it just exhausts you having to deal with your itching, dryness, flakiness, and all those other "iness"! I'm just plain tired. However, as I can see improvement on my skin, I'm going to stick this out.

Tomorrow, 10/16, I drive to Houston for week 3. I'll let you know what the good doctors say. Please just pray for the itching to stop!!

Oh BTW, some of my smarter colleagues figured out I'm about one in 4 million!

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