When suffering does not destroy you, even though you have been to the edge of the abyss, you know something that you cannot know in any other way. Someone else is sustaining you. You are indeed living by a life not your own. Or as I love to say, "Your life is not about you." It is henceforth, most truly, about God. And you are merely "free sample" of what God has always been doing. - Quote from Richard Rohr

December 23, 2006


I don't know where to begin.

Let's see the Candida... I decided to see a nutritionist. I made an appointment with our local People's Pharmacy who are reknown for helping people with this very thing... and all with stuff that does the body good. Well, before I had the appointment, a small miracle happened! Keith was talking with a friend from church and asked her how pharmacy school was going. She said it's not... I've become a nutritionist. WOW! And she added she was able to keep her dad off of dialysis for a year. Well you can figure it out... I cancelled my appointment and made one with sweet Nikki.

She did this test on me to see how well I absorb nutrients. It's called the biomarkers of health. She placed little metal plates on my hand and foot (kind of like when you get an EKG). It tested my Phase Angle... which reflects cell membane integrity and over-all cellular health and function. For my age my marker should have been >6.6 and mine was 5.7... Not bad, eh? And then it tested my Intracellular water... this increases cell health. For my age it should be >54.2 and mine was 51.7.

Also, she took me off all grains and sugar! Actually its not been that hard. I did, one day, decide to eat one of the Christmas goodies I got... a little peanut butter cake with a chocolate drop. Well, I got tell ya, I've not been that high since... oh well, let's not go there! I was dizzy, sick to my stomach, shaking. YUK! I have eaten very little pieces of candy (like my mom's wonderful Christmas fudge) with out effect. But I guess I have to lay off anything that's bigger than my thumbnail!

I'm taking Whey Powder, a probiotic that had 4 billion live enzymes (but now I'm down to only about 250 million because the 4 billion are too expensive), IgG2000DF, a hemoglobin... I make this into a shake with Almond milk every morning. It really is quite tasty. This is all to get my gut back into shape and eliminate the Candida.

I think I feel better... but right now I can't tell because I've got an awful cold. And of course, I had to take more antibiotics for it. I can't win! But at the end of the day, God is still good!

1 comment:

Carmen San Diego said...

I am on a simular diet as well in hopes that it will help my lungs. I went and saw a doctor from Tibet and he has taken all wheat, cow dairy, and many carbs out of my diet. Even some fruits. I have lost 13 pounds on it and I didn't think I felt any difference in my health but I fell off the wagon during Christmas and got real sick so I guess something is working. Anyhow, good luck.

Happy New Year,